Jan 18, 2008

The scare from Zoey

Well, I am sure all of you by now know about the scare that Zoey gave us this week. It all started on Tuesday she had a doctor's appointment because she has had this cold since she was 5 days old. Her doctor told us not to worry that a lot of baby's get the sniffles's and stuffy nose this time of the year. At 4:30 am on Wednesday she woke us up to eat and while I was feeding her it looked as though she was struggling to breath. It concerned us so I took her to the ER. The doctor on call happened to be my uncle, he said because of all the congestion in her nose she was having a harder time breathing but he reaffirmed what her Pediatrician had said and he said to follow up with her the next day. Well, she did okay throughout the day and at 2:30 am on Thursday morning she really scared us. She woke up literally gasping for air!!! She had a 8:00 am appointment with her doctor so I stayed up with her waiting and watching the clock. She would start to look ok for a while and then she would start gasping for air again. It was horrifying!! At 6:45 I started getting things ready to get her to the doctor. When we got to the doctors office you could visibly see the concern on her doctors face. She gave her a breathing treatment in the office and said it looked like she had RSV, which is a viral infection that attacks babies respiratory systems. To us it is the common cold but to a baby it is a serious condition. She had been tested for RSV at the hospital the day before and it came back negative. Zoey's doctor said that if she did not improve by noon to take her back to the ER and have a chest x-ray done and have her retested for RSV. I couldn't wait until noon. I took her in right away. The RSV came back negative again but the chest x-ray showed possible pneumonia. Travis and I were scared to death. The doctor (my uncle) didn't want to mess around so they had us transported to Las Vegas by ambulance. When Zoey and I arrived her breathing was so bad her whole chest was caving in! It looked sooo bad. But in true Zoey fashion she looked as though it was a piece of cake. She ,for the first time, started cooing to the nurses and started talking to them. She acted as though nothing was wrong. The pediatric specialist came in and said that it looked like she had bronchiloitis. Which is caused by RSV. He didn't act to concerned at all. He started her on breathing treatments right away and she slowly started to get better. They kept us there for a while to monitor her oxygen levels because they were up and down, at one point they had dropped to 74% which a baby should always be at 92% or above. After a few treatments her breathing was noticeably better and her chest was not caving in nearly as much. The doctor gave her one last breathing treatment that lasted one hour and she was showing great improvement. He said we could go home. Since this is a viral infection antibiotics would not treat it, so all we can do is give her breathing treatments every four hours and he said in about 4 days she should be doing well. So needless to say my children love to try to give me a nervous breakdown!! Zoey is starting a little later than Zach did but not by much. We are all home now stressed, tired and still concerned. She has made such great progress but I don't feel like we are out of the woods just yet. Tonight again in true Zoey fashion she was all smiles and coos. The attached picture doesn't look like a sick baby at all. I took them as we were getting her ready for bed tonight. She is such a joy, we love her sooo much!! We will keep everyone posted on her progress. Talk to you all later.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Glad to see her looking so good! I'm still worried about her too but I know you guys are on top of everything. Bet you didn't sleep much the last couple of nights and probably won't until she's better. Thanks for keeping us posted.

Love you all! :)