Mar 10, 2012

Zach gives his first Injection

Zachary has made the decision that he no longer wants his port to get his medication, so we have now started giving him his meds through his veins.  I have to admit, I hate it with everything that is in me!  It has been extremely hard for me to switch from something that has been so comfortable for 10 years now, but it is his body and if he wants to try, I am willing to try as well!

He is such a strong kid!  Everyday I look at him with complete amazement with how strong he is.  Most adults don't have to deal with what he does on a daily basis and he is only ten!  He is my hero!!!

Here is a video of him giving himself his first injection!  It is hard to watch, and to be honest I cried, but it is such a huge step in our lives and I am so proud of him!