Jan 30, 2008

Canada sounds GREAT!!

Travis and I just watched a documentary on Americas healthcare system. The documentary was called "SICKO" done by none other than Michael Moore. It was a very disturbing movie. I sat there and cried through the majority of it. This really hit home for Travis and I because there was a lady in the movie that had health insurance at her job, and she came down with cancer. When she came down with cancer her insurance company said they would no longer cover her because the treatment and medication was to expensive. Her and her husband lost everything. Travis and I just looked at each other scared. Could this happen to us? Hemophilia is the most expensive disease to treat. Zachary's medication is almost $40,000 a month. What would happen if our insurance company dropped us. Every quarter we have to get his medication approved through the insurance. Now we are afraid that they really could drop us because his medication is so expensive. Travis turned to me and said you need to research Canada and the cost of living. In the movie Michael Moore goes to Canada to talk to people about universal healthcare there. Everybody is covered and nobody pays in co-pays or deductibles. Of course you are paying for the healthcare in taxes or somewhere but to not have to worry about coverage sounds like a great thing. This movie makes me ashamed at how we treat our people in America. We are suppose to be the #1 nation in the world and yet we have one of the worst health care systems. What is wrong with this picture? If you haven't seen this movie I highly recommend it before the next election. GO HILLARY!!! Travis and I are already trying to learn the Canadian National Anthem. HA HA HA I hope to god we never get dropped from our insurance company but after watching this movie I am so afraid that it is a strong possibility. So we might just be heading North.



Anonymous said...

Too bad Michael Moore has a tendency to distort the facts. While we may not have the best health care system I'm sure we don't have the worse, ask some of the people in third world countries. I doubt Canada's health care system is perfect. As for me, I'm still proud to be an American!

bobby said...

I would definitely hate to see you guys ever lose your insurance. That would definitely suck royally. I pray that never happens. However, I don't trust Michael Moore one bit. Already seen too many discrepancies pointed out with that movie specifically.

One of those being, it doesn't paint a nearly accurate picture of the health care system in Canada.

The government has screwed up too many systems already. I can't say I trust them at all with our health care. But I don't disagree that some reform is probably needed as well.

bobby said...

P.S. If Hillary wins, you may need to teach me that Canadian national anthem! ;)

The Early Family said...

I have never been a really political person until now. I mean I have always voted, but I have never been very into politics. I just can't believe our government allows these insurance companys to be able to play "god" with people. I am really fustrated because I see this first hand with working in a pharmacy. Just Tuesday I had two instances that was terrible. First a wife was in trying to get medication for her husband who just had a heartattack, and the medication was to exspensive so the insurance company would not cover it. I had to watch this lady cry because of fear that her husband was going to die. And she has insurance! Another instance I put my job on the line because I have a gentleman that comes in every month to get a seziure medication, which he has to have and again his insurance won't cover it. He has to have this medication. So he pays cash for it every month. His cost is $580 if he pays cash for it. How can people afford there meds when they are this much money. So I looked at our cost and it is $120. So that is what I charged him. I know we would not be able to pay $580 a month for medication and what average middle american can. We are allowing our government to allow the insurance company's and drug company's play "god" and have all the control while people are dieing because they can't afford either the treatment or the medication to stay alive. The power that we are allowing these people to have is DISCUSTING!! So that is my rant!!


The Early Family said...

I forgot to mention, our insurance company did this to us as well. They called and said that if we didn't pay our deductable they were not going to ship out Zach's medication. This is a child that they are doing this to! A child that could not live without his medication.

Linda said...

I agree that our insurance system sucks, but it is probably still better than others. Also, if people didn't run to the dr. every time they stubbed their toe, our rates might not be so high. However, all in all it is just plain old corporate greed! Most people can't even afford to retire because of medical costs. This is not a new problem, but people don't get involved or even bother to vote until it affects them. It's like our Board meetings, the only people who come are the ones who want to complain, then you never see them again. I say get the facts from both sides. It takes many, many people to solve a problem, not just one person when they are mad about something. Things don't usually mater much to people until it affects them personally.