Travis and I just watched a documentary on Americas healthcare system. The documentary was called "SICKO" done by none other than Michael Moore. It was a very disturbing movie. I sat there and cried through the majority of it. This really hit home for Travis and I because there was a lady in the movie that had health insurance at her job, and she came down with cancer. When she came down with cancer her insurance company said they would no longer cover her because the treatment and medication was to expensive. Her and her husband lost everything. Travis and I just looked at each other scared. Could this happen to us? Hemophilia is the most expensive disease to treat. Zachary's medication is almost $40,000 a month. What would happen if our insurance company dropped us. Every quarter we have to get his medication approved through the insurance. Now we are afraid that they really could drop us because his medication is so expensive. Travis turned to me and said you need to research Canada and the cost of living. In the movie Michael Moore goes to Canada to talk to people about universal healthcare there. Everybody is covered and nobody pays in co-pays or deductibles. Of course you are paying for the healthcare in taxes or somewhere but to not have to worry about coverage sounds like a great thing. This movie makes me ashamed at how we treat our people in America. We are suppose to be the #1 nation in the world and yet we have one of the worst health care systems. What is wrong with this picture? If you haven't seen this movie I highly recommend it before the next election. GO HILLARY!!! Travis and I are already trying to learn the Canadian National Anthem. HA HA HA I hope to god we never get dropped from our insurance company but after watching this movie I am so afraid that it is a strong possibility. So we might just be heading North.
Jan 30, 2008
Jan 29, 2008

As you know we got tix to this years open. This last weekend they played the same course they will be playing in the open. Tiger just killed the field over the weekend and won by 9 strokes. This will be a repeat come June and the only question I have is who will finish second? While watching on TV I was looking for a hole to camp out at and watch the players. I think I like the par 5 13th hole. It will play 625yds, and going for it in two will be a second shot of over 275 yds. It should be fun. Now I have to think about who to follow. I will not follow tiger or phill cuz of the crowds. You can follow a top 20 guy and be right on the ropes with them, I do not think any other sport allows you that close to a pro. Maybe Bubba Watson (he hits it a mile) Fred Couples (he can hit every shot) or Zach Johnson(Masters winner out of UNLV) John should invest in a power chair. C-ya
Jan 20, 2008
Basketball Season
Well, Zach had is first basketball game on Saturday. I didn't get to go because Zoey was sick, but Travis took him and took a few pictures. Zach had a blast. As he said "It was Awesome." He made two baskets one of which was from him taking the ball from the other team and taking it to the hoop. He is so talented. He has now played every sport and has done well with each one. I can't wait to watch him.
Zoey update
Well, just thought I would update everyone on Zoey's condition. She seems to be doing a lot better. Her breathing sounds great! She was wheezing really bad up until yesterday and so far today she has not wheezed at all. She still has a little cough but it seems to be getting better. The congestion in her chest sounds like it is breaking up, and she is not coughing nearly as much as she was yesterday. Things are finally looking up. She has a follow up doctor's appointment tomarrow morning so I will update you with what the doctor has to say then.
Jan 18, 2008
The scare from Zoey
Well, I am sure all of you by now know about the scare that Zoey gave us this week. It all started on Tuesday she had a doctor's appointment because she has had this cold since she was 5 days old. Her doctor told us not to worry that a lot of baby's get the sniffles's and stuffy nose this time of the year. At 4:30 am on Wednesday she woke us up to eat and while I was feeding her it looked as though she was struggling to breath. It concerned us so I took her to the ER. The doctor on call happened to be my uncle, he said because of all the congestion in her nose she was having a harder time breathing but he reaffirmed what her Pediatrician had said and he said to follow up with her the next day. Well, she did okay throughout the day and at 2:30 am on Thursday morning she really scared us. She woke up literally gasping for air!!! She had a 8:00 am appointment with her doctor so I stayed up with her waiting and watching the clock. She would start to look ok for a while and then she would start gasping for air again. It was horrifying!! At 6:45 I started getting things ready to get her to the doctor. When we got to the doctors office you could visibly see the concern on her doctors face. She gave her a breathing treatment in the office and said it looked like she had RSV, which is a viral infection that attacks babies respiratory systems. To us it is the common cold but to a baby it is a serious condition. She had been tested for RSV at the hospital the day before and it came back negative. Zoey's doctor said that if she did not improve by noon to take her back to the ER and have a chest x-ray done and have her retested for RSV. I couldn't wait until noon. I took her in right away. The RSV came back negative again but the chest x-ray showed possible pneumonia. Travis and I were scared to death. The doctor (my uncle) didn't want to mess around so they had us transported to Las Vegas by ambulance. When Zoey and I arrived her breathing was so bad her whole chest was caving in! It looked sooo bad. But in true Zoey fashion she looked as though it was a piece of cake. She ,for the first time, started cooing to the nurses and started talking to them. She acted as though nothing was wrong. The pediatric specialist came in and said that it looked like she had bronchiloitis. Which is caused by RSV. He didn't act to concerned at all. He started her on breathing treatments right away and she slowly started to get better. They kept us there for a while to monitor her oxygen levels because they were up and down, at one point they had dropped to 74% which a baby should always be at 92% or above. After a few treatments her breathing was noticeably better and her chest was not caving in nearly as much. The doctor gave her one last breathing treatment that lasted one hour and she was showing great improvement. He said we could go home. Since this is a viral infection antibiotics would not treat it, so all we can do is give her breathing treatments every four hours and he said in about 4 days she should be doing well. So needless to say my children love to try to give me a nervous breakdown!! Zoey is starting a little later than Zach did but not by much. We are all home now stressed, tired and still concerned. She has made such great progress but I don't feel like we are out of the woods just yet. Tonight again in true Zoey fashion she was all smiles and coos. The attached picture doesn't look like a sick baby at all. I took them as we were getting her ready for bed tonight. She is such a joy, we love her sooo much!! We will keep everyone posted on her progress. Talk to you all later.
Jan 15, 2008
I'm back
it has been a long time since I posted last..sorry. Since Zoey has been born the two kids are having a contest to see who can be sick longer. Zach has had a cough for almost 2 months now. Once it goes it come back again! Zoey at the same time has had a bad case of the snot nose with a cough mixed in. I may need to build them separate homes to keep them from infecting each other. Traci has started to go back to work! The first paycheck can't come fast enough! She worries about me having both kids like I can't multi task or something. It's not as bad as i thought it would be, however, Zoey likes to be held, so I do things one handed more than I would like. Zach is a good big bother and I like having him around to help get me things when I need them.
-this post made possible by a sleeping Zoey, with special thanks to a behaving Zach : )
-this post made possible by a sleeping Zoey, with special thanks to a behaving Zach : )
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