Zach never let's Zoey play with his footballs so Santa brought her one.

In our wonderful family we have Travis, Traci, Zachary 10 and Zoey 4
Zoey is starting to try to and walk so we bought her a new toy to help encourage her excitement. Hopefully she will be walking by her first birthday in one month!!
Zoey is now all over the place. She thinks she can walk/run however, she can't!! She has absolutly no fear what so ever! She will just let go and try to run, not walk, and ends up face planting into the floor and she doesn't even cry. Most kids when they first start to walk will realize that they have let go and will sit down. Not Zoey, she thinks she can run. She is so funny. This is her newest thing. She just figured out how to get on the couch by herself. I don't know why my videos keep coming out so dark, I had every light on in the house. As you can tell in the video she scared the crap out of me. We are really going to have to watch her!