Well, Travis and Zoey started school today. Travis of course started Chiropractic School and Zoey started preschool. I took the day off because I wanted to take Zoey to school for her first day. She is going to a really, really good preschool. It looks like a little Disneyland inside and it better for the price. I thought she would be so excited to go play with the kids, but she clung to my leg and wouldn't let go. The teacher pulled out snack and I thought she would be okay then. I got her to sit down and then I snuck out. I ran to the front to watch the video camera's. She started crying which in turn I started crying and the whole office was there watching the screens with me. The teacher was holding her but we couldn't tell if she was still crying, so the manager called the teacher and she said that she wasn't crying anymore but she didn't want to be put down. I called a hour later and the teacher said they were outside playing and blowing bubbles and she was having fun. I am going back down around lunch time to watch the video screens and check on her and I will pick her up around 3. OHHHH, what a stressful day. Here are at least some cute pictures of her oh and one of Travis.