Watch for where Zoey looks in between the jeep and a large brown dinosaur bone. It's not in the video but I had moved to the other side of the room where Zoey had moved, and she walked back over to that side and before I could get to her she had snuck out in between those two things and the exit was on the opposite side of the room. I kept trying to get out the entrance but they wouldn't let me out. So I ran to the exit and started screaming for her. I didn't see her and the next the I new I saw her little red dress crawling up the stairs to the restaurant and an employee had her. I didn't think I would ever say this but I think my kid needs a leash!!!
We had a very busy weekend. First this morning we went to one of Kansas City's largest Bar-B-Q festivals. It was a lot of fun. These people don't mess around with their BBQ. After that we went over to a new outdoor mall that was suppose to be really cool, it's called "Legends." It was right next to the Kansas City Speedway. It was pretty cool. We went into this restaurant called T-Rex. It was kind of like Rainforest Cafe but with all Dinosaurs. Inside the gift shop they had an area that the kids could dig for dinosaur bones. It was only $2.50 and Zoey was free,they played for probably around a hour. Zach and Zoey had a blast. We are going back on Wednesday to eat because we had just came from the BBQ so we were full, and besides that kids eat for $1.99 and the place they dig for bones at is only .99 cents. Such a deal!! After that we went to the middle of the mall where they had a water fountain and of course the kids got SOAKED!! Kansas City is called the "City of Fountains," I told Travis by now we should know to bring an extra change of clothes for the kids. We had a great time! We just LOVE having things to do for the kids.